Keeping up with the developments in the job market and acquire the most sought-after key skills
The job market is dynamic: it is constantly changing and evolving and is always on the lookout for new professional figures and skills.
That’s why, now more than ever, there is increasing demand for sustainability specialists, developers and analysts, as well as experts in financial risk management and in cybersecurity, as well as designers that develop “disruptive” solutions for companies through Design Thinking or the Human-Centered Design.
What links these profiles, besides their strong marketability? The fact that a specific course has been created for each of them on BOOM, the new knowledge hub powered by CRIF!
Selecting the BOOM4Hiring courses means choosing professional training to acquire skills that are highly sought-after and not readily available in the job market!
Whether you want to become an ICT Security Specialist, Penetration Tester, Security Incident Analyst and Responder, Risk and Data Analyst, Systems Engineer, Software Developer, ESG Specialist, Service or Human-Centered Design Specialist, BOOM has created these and many other courses to allow you to explore your passions and acquire the right skills.
What are you waiting for? Discover all the options available to you and give your career an instant boost!